Monday, April 7, 2014

What I Did This Weekend Instead of Writing

I fell brutally ill this weekend for reasons that will show my age, so I won't tell you what they are. (I can't handle alcohol anymore! At all! And lying down for too long gives me crippling back pain!). Parentheses hide things from the internet, right?  

So here's what I did, instead of writing the book I'm supposed to be writing. 

1. Watched two seasons of Mad Men from the very beginning.

I haven't watched Seasons 1 and 2 of Mad Men since they first came out, and my lord sweet awesome...they really stand the test of time. In fact, I'd argue that the first seasons hold up way better than the later ones. They move, they have a clear direction, the context is much more palpable. It was all just a lot more fun, probably because Weiner didn't know he'd have tons more seasons to drag out yet.

Plus, I was but an invincible college grad when the show first debuted: it's a whole different ball game watching Draper and Cooper deteriorate and contemplate mortality NOW...when I'm doing the same thing. Which brings me to #2. 

2. Suffered debilitating anxiety. 

This is sort of a regular thing with me, but it's so much worse when you're alone with the Mad Men pathos and All the Thoughts. Everything about my life sucked, yet I couldn't (/on some level didn't want to) lift a finger to change it. We all know the feeling New Yorkers amirite? 

Eventually, after a sleepless night, I got up and went to work like none of it ever happened, which is a finely-honed NYC skill as well. Everything's fine now! Life is grand and I'm stupidly ambitious again until next week!

3. Decided to get a little more personal on my blog. 

Whilst my sweaty body became one with the futon, I had a revelation. There is nothing that I can tell the internet that it hasn't heard before. So why not. 

4. Downed Advil like they was a bag o' potato chips.

I should note it didn't do anything to help my back pain. I'm officially an Aleve woman. I should also note that I don't eat potato chips that quickly or often. 

So...clearly I was busy and didn't have time  to write. 

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